Xetra vs frankfurt stock exchange

By: herser On: 21.07.2017

There is a price difference since My understanding is that ETR is a trading system, called XETRA while the old one, FRA referes to the price on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It's the same stock and price differences between such major exchanges will always be minimal.

I think you simply haven't paid attention to the date range.

xetra vs frankfurt stock exchange

It seems Google finance only has data for FRA: BMW reaching back to , so if you try to look at the development of your investment since , you're not getting comparable data. I stumbled on the same discrepancy, and was puzzled by a significant difference between the two prices on ETR and FRA.

xetra vs frankfurt stock exchange

For example, today is Sunday, and google shows the following closing prices for DAI. Now, the important value here, is the last column Volume.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange - Wikipedia

According to Wikipedia , the trading on Frankfort Stock Exchange is done today exclusively via Xetra platform, thus the volume on ETR: DAI is much more important than on FRA: According to their web-page, Frankfort exchange has a Specialist Trading on Frankfurt Floor service which has slightly different trading hours.

I suspect what Google and Yahoo show as Frankfort exchange is this manual trading via a Specialist opposed to Xetra electronic trading. To answer your question, the stock you're having is exactly the same, meaning if you bought an ETR: BMW you can still sell it on FRA by calling a FRA Trading Floor Specialist which will probably cost you a fee. On the other hand, for the portfolio valuation and performance assessments you should only use ETR: BMW prices, because it is way more liquid, and thus better reflect the current market valuation.

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Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. German stock exchange, ETR vs FRA. I am looking at the BMW stock for instance in google finance.

Presented are two tickers: Now, I own BMW stock, but I can't really see in my terminal which one I actually own.

I still can't understand why there is a price discrepancancy. Which one is the preferred stock to own, and why?

DAX - DAX - MarketWatch

Michael Borgwardt 5, 13 Ok, I think you are right. I must have been comparing FRA: BMW3 when I had them both in one graph. Thanks for clarifying though! Please would you mark this as the correct answer. Date Open High Low Close Volume Nov 20, Sign up or log in StackExchange.

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