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Best/most profitable profession WOD? - World of Warcraft Forums

So I've been doing Jewelcrafting currently at for a little while now, and I've been having trouble making money with it. I can't make any profits buying gems, cutting them, and reselling them, but the raw gems sell for slightly more than cut ones on my server.

I can't really make some of the better rings rings easily because nobody is ever selling the useful components like Flasks of Mojo or Dream Shards or Crystalized Earth on my server, and when they are up they are way overpriced. So how do you guys make money with this profession?

As my profits are largely due to cornering a market, I'm more than willing to tell anyone my secret, if they PM me with their server and promise not to tell a single soul. My JC was maxed when Cata launched and I had not made any money with it up until that point, I have not leveled it to , though I might when epic gems come out.

You expect to make money with JC at ? Most gems that are purchased now will be for end-game level gear. The gems for said gear cannot be crafted by a JC at your level. If you want to ever make any real money with JC, you will need to level it up to the point where you can make rare-level Cataclysm gems. To make these you will need to do the JC dailies I forget the required JC level to begin doing them to earn the tokens required to buy the appropriate patterns.

I'm right now and still no idea how to make money with JC. Then again I took it to gem myself and alts and not to make money though. I think the only way to really make money with JC, is to just prospect and keep an eye on the AH for the mats for the daily JC quest.

So you do know how to make money, you just might not want to put in the time required to shuffle.

Guess what I meant is make serious money. My alt is a LW now and I'm selling epics for k a piece and can usually make one in a good day or two.

Now that is making money. Ah, I see what you mean now. Like others have said, the window for JC making serious gold has probably closed. First off you are going to have trouble making money with any crafting profession that is less than Once you get to making money on JC is incredibly easy.

Ten Ton Hammer | Top Ways To Make Gold in Cataclysm

You will make even more money if you pair it with Mining and farm your own ore. This will allow you to turn your green gems into blue gems for even more income. Technically, you don't need to max JC to profit from it. All the blue gems can be cut at Actually, depending on the server, making rings might actually be the best thing you can do profit-wise with JC if you have easy access to a disenchanter.

On my server, at least, enchantings mats still sell for a lot, but the market for gems has completely tanked. Also you are going to want to get to a high enough level that you can start doing the cata JC daily right away. You need to start getting tokens to buy cuts.

Make Insane Gold With Jewelcrafting

Right now you are going to be way behind other JC's who have been doing them for months. I would suggest Brilliant Inferno as the first cut to buy as these always sell quickly. It might just be your server, because a cut blue could go anywhere from 40gg on mine, which would pay for the whole stack itself. Same, I have about 28 tokens stock piled and have already bought all the recipes that are interesting.

I think what's hurting JC now is now epic gems. You do it at the beginning of an expansion cycle. The opportunities for fast big money are mostly gone at this stage depending on your server.

Mists of Pandaria: Jewelcrafting Overview (Updated for ) - Wowhead News

On many servers, the market is so saturated with people who have every possible recipe that content patches actually result in gem prices dipping as too many people try to liquidate at once. You can always make money with JC, but it's slow and you need to trade in heavy volume. The opportunities for quick cash come from being the only one selling a given cut, which is very dependent on your server. I paired my JC with mining, 30 mins of mining and then prospecting it easily made me like g.

All about selling the gems in high quantities and take advantage of cheap ore stacks and just prospect. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. I made a super simple guide to Tomb of Sargeras, for those that need a quick digest or something to look at before you pull the boss to remind you. This is an archived post.

You won't be able to vote or comment. Did you have it maxed when Cata launched? But yes to would be the same idea.

Drenden is dry for JC. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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