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Upgrade to remove ads. Poker-playing cronies from Harding's native state who contributed to the morally loose atmosphere in his administration.

1929 The Great Crash. - a video about the stock market crash in 1929

Supreme Court ruling that removed workplace protection and invalidated a minimum wage for women. WWI veterans' group that promoted patriotism and economic benefits for former servicemen. Five Power Naval Treaty. Agreement emerging from the Washington Disarmament Conference that reduced naval strength and established a ratio of warships among the major ship-building powers.

Toothless international agreement of that pledged nations to outlaw war.

Naval oil reserve in Wyoming that gave its name to one of the major Harding administration scandals. Farm proposal of the s, passed by Congress but vetoed by president Coolidge, that provided for the federal government to buy farm surpluses and sell them abroad.

Dawes Plan of American-sponsored arrangement for rescheduling German reparations payments that only temporarily eased the international debt tangle of the s.

Ch. 33 Matching Flashcards | Quizlet

Southern Democrats who turned against their party's "wet" Catholic nominee and voted for the Republican in Sky-high tariff bill of that deepened the depression and caused international financial chaos.

The climactic day of the October Wall Street stock-market crash.

the worst single event of the great stock market crash of 1929

Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress. Reconstruction Finance Corporation RFC. Hoover-sponsored federal agency that provided loans to hard-pressed banks and businesses after Encampment of unemployed veterans who were driven out of Washington by General Douglas MacArthur's forces in The Chinese province invaded and overrun by the Japanese army in Weak-willed president whose easygoing ways opened the door to widespread corruption in his administration.

Strong-minded leader of Harding's cabinet and initiator of major naval agreements. Wealthy industrialist and conservative secretary of the treasury in the s.

Wealthy oilman who bribed cabinet officials in the Teapot Dome scandal. Weak, compromise Democratic candidate in Harding's interior secretary, convicted of taking bribes for leases on federal oil reserves in the Teapot Dome scandal. Tight-lipped Vermonter who promoted frugality and pro-business policies during his presidency.

the worst single event of the great stock market crash of 1929

Leader of a liberal third-party Progressive Party insurgency who attracted little support outside the farm belt and his home state. Secretary of commerce through much of the s whose reputation for economic genius became a casualty of the Great Depression. The "Happy Warrior" who attracted votes in the cities but lost them in the South because he was Catholic and against prohibition. The worst single event of the great stock market crash of Extremely high tariff act that killed international trade and deepened the Great Depression.

Commander of the troops who forcefully ousted the "army" of unemployed veterans from Washington in Hoover's secretary of state, who sought sanctions against Japan for its aggression in Manchuria.

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